About Us

We are a growing group of domestic and international progressive funders, organizing in alignment with social movements toward systemic change to a regenerative economy.* Through political education, peer-to-peer organizing, joint action, and collective thought pieces, we call in and support our philanthropic colleagues toward accountability, transparency, and solidarity with frontline communities.
More specifically, this means we shift philanthropy to support locally-rooted Black, Brown, Indigenous, and Workingclass-led transnational movements that are actively building a feminist, inclusive, participatory, democratic, anti-racist, anti-colonial, and anti-capitalist future consistent with the Rights of Nature. Upholding meaningful work as critical to building frontlines power, the Regenerative Economies Organizing Collaborative considers Ecosystem Health, Energy, Food, Waste, Transportation, and Housing as interconnected parts of both the climate crisis and its solutions.
*Regenerative Economy (as defined by A People's Orientation to a Regenerative Economy/United Frontline Table) is based on ecological restoration, community resilience, social equity, and full and fair participatory processes. Rather than extract from the land and each other, this approach is consistent with the Rights of Nature, valuing the health and wellbeing of Mother Earth by producing, consuming, and redistributing resources in harmony with the planet. A regenerative economy values the dignity of work and humanity and prioritizes community governance and ownership of work and resources, as opposed to oppressive systems that devalue people and their labor through violent hoarding by a few. Rather than limit peoples’ ability to fully shape democracy and decisions that impact our communities, a regenerative economy supports collective and inclusive participatory governance. It requires a re-localization and democratization of how we produce and consume goods, and ensures all have full access to healthy food, renewable energy, clean air and water, good jobs, and healthy living environments. A regenerative economy requires an explicit anti-racist, anti-poverty, feminist, and living approach that’s intersectional and eschews top-down, patriarchal, classist, xenophobic, and racist ideology.